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AGC(W) runs four 6 – day intensive gliding courses from May through to September and which are open to serving Service personnel, and a separate 5-day Basic Course for prospective civilian members. These are extremely good value for money and offer student pilots the opportunity to receive intensive training in the 5 days, with the potential to fly solo for some candidates.

Flying training will be conducted in our ASK 21 two – seat gliders or our high performance DG 1000 T; a full brief will be carried out on the first day, in the classroom, where all aspects of your weeks training will be highlighted. A full health and safety and airfield brief has to be given before a candidate can set foot on the airfield, after this the fun starts and you will find yourself above the airfield with your instructor teaching you how to fly the glider. If you have any previous flying experience, this will help, but it is not important  as some experienced powered pilots find a glider handles differently to a motorised aircraft.

The military Service ab-Initio scheme runs for a full 12 months and is open to aspiring individuals who may not want to, or be able to attend a 5 – day course. The scheme includes 12 months Full membership and all gliding fees until first solo or 6 months (whichever comes first).

Service Basic Gliding Courses at Army Gliding Club (Wyvern) 2024

The Army Gliding Association (AGA) runs basic introductory gliding courses at Wyvern (Army) Gliding Club at Upavon in Wiltshire.  The courses are designed to introduce military personnel of all ranks, both Regular and Reserves, into the sport of gliding and provide the opportunity for intensive flying training over a five day period.

The aim of the course is to teach the basic principles of flight and how to fly a glider. Following the course, the opportunity then exists for further training, ultimately up to solo, competition and Instructor standards. Regular Continuation and Adventure training courses are also run throughout the year on behalf of the AGA.

The course schedule for 2024 has been re-scheduled as follows:

GFN 1: 07 – 10 May

GFN 2: 13 – 17 May

GFN 3: 01 – 05 July

GFN 4: 08 – 12 July

GFN 5: 02 – 06 September

GFN 6: 09 – 13 September

The cost for the course is met by ATG(A).  Application is through ATG(A) App on Defence Gateway,  contact ATG at:  No deposit is required when allocated a place on the course – full details will be sent to successful applicants.

The course fee (for servicemen/women) includes all gliding and motor gliding during the course and twelve months membership of the Army Gliding Club (Wyvern).  In addition, any further gliding and instruction within the first six-month period is free or until solo standard is achieved, (with the exception of any additional motor gliding where a nominal charge will be made).  Normal Club rates for flying will apply for all, including servicemen, once solo standard is achieved.  More information is available at our fees page.

Applicants must not exceed an upper weight limit of 242 lbs (fully clothed) or exceed 6’3” in height.

Civilian Basic Gliding Course:  There is provisionally a course (TBC) at Upavon Airfield for civilians not eligible for the ATG(A) sponsored Service Courses.  The course will include Membership for the 5 days and all flying for the same period. Cost TBC.  Application through the Contact Page on this website and further details.  Longer term membership can be applied for on completion of the course.